Expat Living Readers' Choice Awards 2024 Winners - Best Kids' Enrichment Programme

Gold Winner for Kumon Singapore
Expat Living Readers’ Choice Awards 2024 – and we’re delighted to announce that Kumon Singapore has been voted consecutively as the GOLD Winner for the Best Kids’ Enrichment Programme, under the Leisure & Kids’ Activities category for 2023 and 2024.
Kumon Malaysia awarded the Best Enrichment Centre (Mathematics), Best Mathematics Programme and Best Reading Programme.

The Readers’ Choice Award Winning

Established since 1958, Kumon is an enrichment programme well-known for consistently pursue children’s potential. With two basic programmes which are Maths and English, Kumon has always been parents’ choice especially for the parents who wanted to try a Japanese learning method for their children. From the love between a father for his son, the Kumon Method has grown and become an effective learning method for kids. For 60 years, the Kumon Method believes in self-learning and independent approaches which can help young children in facing difficulties in their lives.
In Malaysia, there are more than 200 Kumon Centres with more than 30,000 students. We are really honoured to be recognised by most of the parents and will always look forward to furnishing their children with the ability to advance to high school level material through self-learning as early as possible. For the year of 2018, Kumon Education Malaysia has been selected as candidates for Readers’ Choice Awards by the famous parenting magazines, BabyTalk and MamaPapa. Every year, these magazines organise Readers’ Choice awards, and 2018 marked their eighth year organising this event. The organisers will invite their readers to nominate their favourite brands in several categories that they provided.
Last year, Kumon Education Malaysia has won several categories from the awards which were Best Enrichment Centre (Mathematics), Best Mathematics Programme and Best Reading Programme. Winning these awards definitely has increased our credibility among parents. It is our pleasure to serve more to all children and eventually to the society.
We also would like to express our heart-felt gratitude to all of our supporters especially our dedicated Instructors and parents. Our Instructors are really devoted to discover what individual students are capable of and bringing out their potential to the maximum. They always pay their careful attention to each student’s academic ability and personality. Our parents also play an important role in supporting their children as in Kumon, we believe in daily practices that should be applied not only in the Centre but also at the home. Undoubtedly, the commitment given by all parties have helped us in winning these awards.
Kumon Education Malaysia will continue to further develop each student’s ability and strive for something better by continuing to develop our worksheets and instruction method. As today, this learning method continues to go beyond the borders of countries, race, culture and traditions, to reach more and more countries and regions throughout the world.